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Simon North High Beech Chalet Park Simon North High Beech Chalet ParkSimon North High Beech Chalet ParkSimon North High Beech Chalet ParkSimon North High Beech Chalet ParkSimon North High Beech
It’s unknown if hornets have individual loyalties like their human equivalent but about five hornets who occupy chalets at High Beech Chalet Park have a determined agenda to get rid of us two individuals who live and own number 50. Human hornets are sex obsessed, probably resulting from a tendency to eat too much meat, and find it difficult to comprehend that two people of the same gender can live together, although abstain from erotic activity. One of the clique, occupying 51, Noda, fabricates untrue anecdotes about noise disturbance occurring 24/7 and reports to Gowlet of 96. The occupant of numbers 46 and 78a are also members of the clique. Its very sad that these people have no imagination or hobby but as a substitute for one, involve themselves in gossip and condemnation. One attempt to force us to sell was to complain to Hastings Planning about a few out buildings within the boundaries of 50. This is rather s short sighted plan, as 51 has at least one shed that was erected before the four year deadline when planning permission is granted by default. In response to this conspiracy, I agreed that we would sell up and move on for a sum of no less than a quarter of a million pounds. This might seem to be a high amount as the chalets sell for about one fifty but we would also have the stress of relocation, conveyance fees and similar. I put this offer to the current manager but it was refused. |
This text upload would be of interest to anyone who lives at High Beech Chalet Park who may have had a legacy Hastings Council planning issue in recent years. The date of this upload is 03/02/24. New owners took possession of the High Beech Chalet Park common areas and access roads from an owner’s agent: Carlton Property Management in about 2018. There was a communal post hut in High Beech from at least 1994 until about 2018 or 19 and dated back to a distant age when people were trustworthy, remember them? A site office was built in its place by Peter. In the 1960s when our chalet park began, it made perfect sense to have a communal post facility as, we are all too aware, that locating a chalet here is difficult, especially for delivery personnel and postal workers owing to our chalets not being sequentially numbered. A friend living at No: 100 and I repaired the post shed door on at least two occasions and it was often forced open where the Yale lock had been jemmied. We did a good repair but this wasn’t going to stop a determined thief. We at No: 50 were subscribers to Love Film, a movie distribution company where we’d send back a DVD after viewing, before UK’s broadband network was as fast as it is these days. We found the door smashed and our DVDs taken, so we terminated the contract with Love Film, much to their disappointment, although we did give detailed reasons for our decision. Thieves were not necessarily going to stop there. Our post hut served as a volunteer library or book repository. People would leave books there that they’d read and left them for whoever wanted to take one and replace another. This kind of activity makes us proud to be a Brit, such a lovely considerate exchange system! |
By pure
coincidence, the thefts and shed damage started at about the same time that the
Sussex Edwardian Hotel, formerly High Beech Hotel, started operating as a
halfway house and homelessness facility. Hotel manager Dave assured us that the
break-ins were not a consequence of the hotel change of use. Here’s a quandary:
would a thief have any regard for a letter from Hastings Planning Department?
Of course not so this leads onto my next point. Hastings planning has been
called frequently in the past about High Beech unpermitted out building and alteration,
according to Abbie, planning enforcement officer. Naturally, there’s no
guarantee that any correspondence will reach the intended recipient if the
destination, post hut, is unsecure and security breached. If Hastings Planning
Department has refused a planning project of yours or even complain that you’ve
not received important documentation, you have a case of compensation against
Hastings Planning. This Government department is duty bound to make sure any correspondence
occurring between you, as chalet owner and Planning, and needs to be put
right. |
High Beech has a restrictive covenant, so confusion arises with permissions/alteration. 51’s previous owner did an extension adding living space. She asked Mr Palmer for permission, at £200. Mr Palmer granted it and shortly thereafter work commenced. 52's owner had a holiday home next to 51 and upon a subsequent visit, objected to the extension, as it reduced garden overspill area. 52s owner started a planning dispute but his planning letter was illegally intercepted via the communal post shed. Believing he had no recourse, owner sold his chalet. As 51's owner had sought permission, work costing an eye watering £30,000, she felt completely assured. This scenario demonstrates that some might assume planning is granted when actually not, especially as this is a private estate. Owners need to pay twice; it seems, once to the freeholder and again to Hastings Planning. I’m told planning was eventually granted for the extension to 51, but legislation can be misconstrued; the covenant causing confusion when we might assume freeholder permission supersedes council planning: an easy mistake. The issue was further complicated during common areas ownership transfer. Brian Haines and Robert Lindsay Kirkland owned and managed High Beech and were rather strict concerning out building installation. They both retired in the mid 90s and the business sold to Mr Kim Palmer who upset residents here by incremental increased billing. Residents’ association chairman renewed the Palmer contract and the agreed conditions were a revised billing strategy and the disregarding of out building, which included decking installation, all by informal contract. 52’s owner intercepted planning letter is a matter deserving of further investigation, as he deserves due compensation, especially since his decision to sell may have been influenced by 51's owner controversial extension and apparent lack of planning department intervention. The post hut was removed and an office built in its place in about 2019, a decision made resulting from frequent theft and mail interference. Mail collected from the post hut was passed onto disabled and infirm: a gesture of kindness. Hastings Planning had a responsibility to ensure communication is safely received by the recipient, including all legacy cases, from a date before post hut removal. Safety of important planning letters should have been secured at least via recorded delivery, especially when costs of £30,000 are involved. |
History of High Beech. High Beech Chalet Park is located in Hollington and is named after Beech Farm and High Beech House. The farm formed part of the estate settled on the marriage of Charles Eversfield of Denne in Horsham esq with Mary Duncombe of Guilford. Sadly, the Chalet Park at High Beech can be described as a hornets’ nest. There are harsh divisions and loyalties and for me, as an individual, I can never anticipate from one week to the next who my enemies are, consequent of fabricated anecdotes from people who have nothing to occupy themselves with. Number 51 was sold at a fraction of its true value, owing to an urgency to sell by the previous owner/occupier. "C" was subject to financial demands through a conspiracy by Carlton Property Management and Kim Palmer, both of whom have featured in this Hoofbags Web. Many of us who live at High Beech were convinced that the service charges from the above |
conspirators weren’t backed up by any legitimate legal process and since these are freehold chalets surrounded by access roads and paths owned by another individual, we all felt confident that the unreasonable service charges were not really enforceable. How wrong could one be, since the group of people campaigning eventually lost their case in the courts. The homeowner needed to sell her chalet to settle the Palmer/Carlton debt, court costs and had to buy a cheaper property elsewhere. We all transmit non verbal communication and the previous occupant gave unconscious signals of her needing to sell urgently, as the Carlton/Palmer conspirators deliberately borrowed the money from a high interest account, from what I gather, and the interest charges were mounting up. It seemed Mr Kim Palmer was intent on punishing “C” for initiating the payment boycott, in spite, to the point of utter destitution.The present occupier of |
Number 51 is the kind of person who needs a pet Nemesis; bringing excitement into her life as a substitute for what most other people of a similar intellectual capacity do: watching soap operas. These wretches absolutely love to gossip and berate people of a higher intellect, manifesting in music production and other hobbies. There’s a response of hair trigger sensitivity to any noise whatsoever, listening intently, obsessively for any sound that is heard and can be complained about. I suppose I could feel proud about providing a topic of daily discussion but the thing in its entirety is very sad and profoundly negative. Pam likes to think of herself as an artist but, one characteristic I’ve noted is that these “reverting to latent talent old lady artists” can only produce artwork to a standard that would shame a ten year old. I fully understand that some of these wretches demonstrate envy about my ability to try my hand at so many |
things that I attempt: I have no formal building skills but my approach is pretty much, have a go, it cannot be that hard. I’ve taken a similar approach to a plethora of other crafts, music making included, that some people appear to like, hence Hoofbags Web, but as long as there are no obvious dangers involved, such as unqualified DIY gas installations and the like, making attempts of the former nature, we can be rather surprised at our own finished outcomes. One way of addressing a defence to sad people of this sort is to make something with a positive outcome from negative occurrences. A new song of mine, entitled Pamaliar by Betty Betamax is precisely that: a stream of negative events and fabricated anecdotes manifested as something positive and entertaining. |
Update: 26/11/18
As parting advice from this Hoofbags Web resorce to Palmer and his co-conspirators: don't view future clients and customers as idiots by demanding money with menaces. Learn from this experience and warn any future potential exploiters that the High Beech community will fight against any attempts at extortion. Anyone trying to do this is going to fail! High Beech 1 - Palmer 0
On 16/03/18 15:15 approximately, the Hoofbag went to the KDL solicitors office, Therfield Road, Heathfield. This was an attempt to gain any information on our opposition such as pictures of the office, presented here. The Hoofbag took the liberty to knock on the door. It was answered by a tall gentleman and I spoke about some of the issues of taking elderly disabled pensioners to court with the aim of getting our money. The gentleman invited me in. There was also a lady working at a desk on a terminal/PC. I admit, the unnamed man seemed polite and somewhat taken aback by the information I gave him and expressed concern. The company seems to specialise in getting unpaid rent: a reasonable task considering that some tenants cheat on their landlords/landladies renting properties but tenant not paying. Careful examination of the front window KDL logo would indicate that the company specialises in leasehold issues. It is just conceivable that Mr Palmer has presented the issues of High Beech service charge non payment by lying about High Beech Chalets being freehold. This is duplicitous, but what else would we expect from Mr Kim Palmer? The KDL logo includes the information, "specialists in residential leashold enforcement".
All communities have gossip merchants and it could be argued that Hoofbags contributes to this unintentionally via this Web. There’s some fake news that is acceptable and some that isn’t. Sadly, people who are loyal to Mr Palmer relay threatening anecdotes about High Beech chalet ownership being downgraded to leasehold. Older people become terrified about these things and pay up out of fear. |
An unacceptable notion that has recently emerged is that Kim Palmer is part of an East Sussex paedophile ring. This was initiated by a woman with learning difficulties, weighs 25 stone and bandaged legs who habitually makes accusations of pedophillia and it must urgently be pointed out that this vile accusation is not validated by Hoofbags. The Hoofbag is absolutely no fan of Kim Palmer, believing him to be a swindler who uses creative accounting to rip off pensioners, trying to convince freeholders that they've been downgraded to |
leasehold status. This threat is to make them part with money they needn't and a variety of similar disgusting actions. Even these despicable behaviours fade into obscurity when compared to the activity of child abuse. However, The Hoofbag will not stoop to the level of an accusation of this kind. Exploiting children for sexual gratification is not only highly illegal but from any right thinking person's perspective, is morally depraved.The Hoofbag is also aware that spreading lies about people as in this web-page would be an indirect exploitation of child abuse. However, this is one malign that must be stated, has no origin from the Hoofbags Web. |
As there are no black or Asian people living at High Beech, an accusation levelled at Kim Palmer is a white supremacist, is viable. The Hoofbag is aware that there has been interest in High Beech from people of colour, although none have ever lived here. Mr Palmer can veto a property sale and doesn't have to give reasons. Even being a white supremacist isn’t on the same scale as child sexual abuse, even as despicable a concept as this is. |
1/. Not knowing who the Prime Minister is. 2/. “I know more about dogs than any vet!” 3/. "My mum wasn’t an Indian, she just spent a long time in India and looked like one because she got a tan." 4/. "The River Nile isn’t in Africa, it’s in Egypt!” 5/. “If you won the lottery, you wouldn’t know what to do with it!” 6/. Pointing at planet Venus, when asked, "what is that?" reply: "that's the norf star!" 7/. "Do you think that Donald Trump is a misogynist?" not knowing what a misogynist is "someone who has a low opinion of women." "That's stupid, he's married!" Morphina is an example of the most ignorant and stupid of human beings, more aptly, borderline human.
High Beech chalet owners' alert: There have been tyre slashing occurrences in our vicinity! |
We have suspicions about who it probably is who kicked the door in. There’s a woman who has learning difficulties living at our chalet park who also habitually throws the 'paedophile' accusation around and invites people with a criminal inclination, giving them money for drugs, such as cannabis and heroine. They commit other crimes apart from kicking in the door of our post shed, and seeking anything via which they can raise drug money. The post-shed has been there since the 1960s, not interfered with. Go there and see for yourself! Since people of questionable motives have been invited to live here, the entire chalet park is falling to bits. Between them, the criminals fabricate outlandish anecdotes, and target a completely innocent individual as a scapegoat. A recent sabotage of tyres involved hammering screws into the tyres of one car owner. As the screws were on both near-side wheels, the garage stated it was unlikely that the screws found their way into the tyres by pure chance. Also, Mr Kim Palmer, a local landowner and bully of elderly people, may be hiring thugs to visit High Beech, since Carlton Property Management refused to provide ‘services’ (extract money) on his behalf. He has already taken a person living at our chalet park to court for non-payment, and expected them to travel to Scotland for the court hearing. This is done deliberately to make it as difficult as possible for his disabled victim to attend. Our chalet park has degraded into a social housing type of condition where disgruntled tenants treat their homes like a land fill site. Some people living here still use the post hut as opposed to having mail delivered to their door. Postal operatives prefer to make their deliveries via this means. This is so very sad.
This Website is a working progress and is subject to new information updates.
Phone call, in which Mark B tells the Hoofbag to get into debt.
Mr Palmer appears to have a total disregard for the data protection act. He's propagated via circulars, details about how much money a person owes for his so called ‘estate management services’, something that one would imagine is a private matter between him and the other party. It is an unfortunate fact that he can do this, and it’s legal, just about, as explained in the table here >>>>> |
Can landlords put up a list of tenants who are in arrears? No. Information about an individual’s debts should only be given out in limited circumstances. It is only justifiable to tell tenants if someone has not paid their rent if this has a direct effect on them, for example, if they become legally responsible to help meet any shortfall in shared maintenance charges. Source: Click here. Please use you BACK button in your browser to return here. |
Using your equity is the quickest way you will lose your home. Palmer tells us that he can take our homes from us if we don’t pay his extortionate charges. Either way, according to him, we lose our homes. It’s a tossup between the two. It may take longer for him steal our home through impossible charges than it would if we use our equity: naturally, the former has a time advantage so is the preferred scenario. |
There exists something called the 1985 housing act, section 20. This is where those providing estate management services are instructed to consult any democratically elected resident associations that may be formed. Mr Kim Palmer ignores the act, and states that no legitimate residents' association has ever existed. Please click on hyperlink on right pane below this text, but don't forget the BACK arrow in your browser. |
An example of Mr Kim Palmer’s deliberate action to ignore a residents’ association at a chalet park, namely High Beech Chalet Park, is: none of the owners of the chalets here want night time illumination. Street lighting is desirable in busy cities and large towns but the people living at High Beech Chalet Park have stated that they really don’t want night time illumination. When it is late at night, it is, as one would expect: dark. Some people like it that way. The Webmaster for this site, for example, gets a much better night’s sleep in the dark, without the bother of a street lamp shining light through gaps in curtains. |
1985 Housing Act: section 20. Purpose of this booklet. This booklet explains the procedures for landlords, resident management companies and their managing agents in the private sector in England and Wales to consult their lessees and tenants before entering into certain kinds of expenditure paid for from service charges. In this booklet we use the term ‘leaseholder’ to refer to both leaseholders and tenants. Qualifying works. These are ‘works on a building or any other premises’ – that is, works of repair, maintenance or improvement. The inclusion of improvement in the definition of qualifying works does NOT allow a landlord to recover costs for improvements unless a liability for costs of improvements is included in the lease. When calculating the estimated cost, VAT on works must be included. Landlords must consult if these works will cost over £250 for any one contributing leaseholder. Thus, in a property with unequal service charge contributions, the landlord must consult all leaseholders if any one of them would have to pay more than £250. If consultation is not undertaken, the landlord may not be able to recover costs over £250 per leaseholder.
A selection of emails sent to the hoofbag from Carlton Property Management. |
Some emails that were a reply from the Hoofbag, 1. |
Some emails that were a reply from the Hoofbag, 2 |
Dear Sir/Madam Thank you for your email. I cannot see that you have provided evidence of Carlton Property Management breaching Data Protection. I can only presume from your comments this is 'Hoofbag' and you have actually either misunderstood what I have said entirely it would seem. I never suggested you should get a loan to pay the Service Charge, you suggested this and I commented that you would still have to find the payments for this. I note your comments in respect of the legal action being taken by another Chalet owner and we cannot comment on the outcome until this has been arrived. I will however advise that Service Charges remain outstanding and open to legal action. Your comments will be passed to Mr Palmer as they seem to relate more to Mr Palmer than Carlton. Kind regards.
1/. I presume that any phone calls are recorded at your office end and, indeed, we record calls by default: in fact, I sometimes forget that it is happening. I'm a retired comms engineer. I'm very grateful of your phone call to me on a date early April. Naturally, it would be audacious to share the private call to anyone, apart from the legal standpoint. I've encoded our conversation from the tape to an mp3 codec: legally, this may not be share by either of us. I can send you this audio file by email, if you like. However, in the call, you were the first to mention the method of raising capital by using the equity on my home: clearly audible in the call. Mr Palmer is ignoring the 1985 Housing Act where he's required to listen to the residents' association input into the running of our estate. I'd presume that Carlton has the same attitude in this regard, irrespective of Carlton's ostensibly 'openness' on your management decisions, as lauded on your Web. I'd be happy to email details about the 1985 act along with Mr Palmer's response to it, if this needs any verification. Regards: Liz. (o: Hello Mark. I'm glad things are heating up: I love a challenge. It would help my depressed neighbour if Carlton/Palmer could implement a more merciful stance on the disproportionate charge. I’ve a couple of friends: psychiatric nurses, they endorse my concern about neighbour. I’m not permitted to name, however; I note your empathy. We must get rid of Palmer and Carlton: we at High Beech could do a better job of managing our Chalet Park, at a fraction of the cost. My friend and I, for example, sometimes dig out a drainage ditch that runs parallel with an access road and carried out similar maintenance. We pay insurance on an access from the entrance to the first chalet: a road that we own. I expect to be one of those who, according to Mr Palmer, will be committing trespass if I cross his land. It’s already happened to a resident and partner. I’m surprised that you didn’t make more of an issue of the recorded phone conversation. People, wrongly, tell me that this is illegal. It isn’t as long as I don’t share it with anyone else. Would you like an mp3 of the conversation for your reference? I could email it to you. Carlton needs to install a phone recording system, if none already exists... |
2/. I can also, if you like, send scanned-in past correspondences regarding High Beech Chalet Park Residents’ Association, and Mr Palmer’s retort to the 1985 housing act. In accordance to the democratic process, AGM’s were held along with performance based elections. At the time I was on the committee, XXXX was the Chairperson. Sadly, the HBCPRA was dissolved for some unknown reason.
Good afternoon Hoofbag. I am extremely concerned with the advice you have given regarding your neighbour and would strongly suggest you urge them to get some professional help. You have not advised who this is and therefore I can only urge you to help this individual by suggesting psychiatric help. I note your opinion of Kim Palmer and would advise that this could be deemed as slanderous. In respect of our conversation if I recall correctly you had asked me how to deal with your financial situation. I am not placed to do so but, if you cannot pay the charges due on your property you would have to sell the property (this would have been my first advice) but failing this your only option if you cannot raise the funds by other means would be by way of a loan. This of course is your prerogative. We are not aware of a formally recognized Residents Association and therefore we have not acted anyway other than Managing Agents on behalf of the Freeholder. Regards |
3/. As for the slander accusation: please do initiate action on this, I’m looking forward to it. My opinions are based on observation, opinion and truth. Believe me; in the same way that Carlton PM keeps repeating the threat of taking non-payers like me to court, nothing ever happens. Ask your colleagues to ‘put their money where their mouth is’. Mr Palmer made repeated threats shortly after people stopped paying the charge, before Carlton became involved. All we get is threats, never any action. The reason is probably, the unconventional circumstance of our chalets being free hold as opposed to leasehold. I signed one of Mr Palmer’s forged versions of the covenant. In these circumstances, we were bullied into signing simply so we could get somewhere to live. Any court in the land would understand these issues and a signature on a piece of paper, without even a witnessing of legal authority, really doesn’t carry as much weight as reflected in your narrative... |
4/. This whole business isn’t going to culminate amiably. You seem to be a nice guy, Mark, and it’s unfortunate that you’re embroiled in this unpleasant affair: effectively a buffer between Palmer and us at the Park. You need to be aware, may I kindly reiterate, Mr Palmer and Carlton have no issue with making all of us at High Beech befall destitution. This is not an inconsequential call, especially considering that there are infirm and elderly here. If I were in your shoes, I’d try to find an alternative post elsewhere: you’re good for it. Additionally, Carlton needs to cease interaction with Mr Palmer. Someone in this vicinity is building a Web page about the cruel treatment we tolerate from the Carlton/Palmer conspiracy. I’ll enlighten when it’s up and running. When a professional company is functioning in this deplorable fashion, unsurprisingly there are going to be consequences. Please don’t hesitate to email me any comments that you may have in connection with the material presented here. |